O nama / About us
Nekoliko reči o nama
Mićina domaća kujna
U imenu ove domaćinske kuće spoznajemo osnivača, prvog vlasnika i čoveka koji je ostavio dubok trag u kulinarstvu na ovim prostorima. I naravno naša ponuda se prvenstveno odnosi na jela koja je osmislio i kreirao Milovan Stojanović, zvani Mića ili Profesor.
Profesor, jer je pedesetak generacija kulinara lično izveo na put kuvara-umetnika. Izmislio je stotinak jela, kuvao za oko stoosamdeset pretsednika, kraljeva i drugih državnika i diplomata.
A little about us
Mića`s domestic cuisine
In the very name of this establishment we can recognize the name of the founder, first proprietor, as well as the name of a man who left a deep mark in the culinary art of this region. Of course our menu primarily relates to the meals designed and created by Milovan Stojanović , also known as Mića or Professor.
He earned the name Professor because he personally tutored fifty generations of chefs to the rank of chef artist. He invented a little over a hundred dishes , cooked for a hundred and eighty presidents, kings and other government officials and diplomats.
Mesto gde se popije i pojede
Kako je sve počelo…
Dva puta ovenčan zlatnom medaljom na Svetskim kulinarskim takmičenjima, odlučio je da svojim naslednicima preda restoran sa samostalnom delatnošću, a kolegama i prijateljima je osnovao Udruženje kuvara Srbije.
Mića i danas pomaže deci i unučadima kada potreba posla to nalaže, ili gosti žele da im veteran priredi čarobne trenutke hedonizma.
Danas restoran vodi sin Milan Stojanović koji se trudi da u svom radu održi tradiciju i vrednosti svog oca Miće.
A place where you can drink and eat
How it all started…
After being crowned with the golden medal twice on World Culinary competitions, he decided to give the restaurant with self-employment to his successors, and to found, for his colleagues and friends, the Association of Serbian chefs.
Mića even to this day helps his children and grandchildren when there is much work to be done, or when the guests want a veteran chef to prepare for them magical moments of hedonism. The restaurant is currently run by Micas son, Milan Stojanovic who tries his best to in his work preserve the tradition and value of his father’s work.